Tuesday, September 30, 2008

One more day in the rain..oh the summer beach....

Madeline's birthday with photoshop

I have been studying photoshop to help with my art. Here are the kids in my house for Madeline bithday.Thanks Photoshop!


It was Maddy's birthday in August so when I came back from the Middle East I organized a birthday party at my house. Here is a painting of Madeline, my grandaughter who is 2 years old now.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

trip to Ocean City and paintings of the umbrellas

I am back from my trip and ready to post some of my new paintings. This one is one of a serie I painted of the Ocean City shore where I spent a week with the Riester family  in July

Monday, July 21, 2008


I am working on my blog today adding large scale paintings that are in my house or galleries

It is raining outside so it is a good idea to organize my pictures.
On the right is "Women, music and cats" painted on claybord panel with a large gold frame. The panel size is 16x20.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Award at the Manchester Institute for the ARTS

January 2008

The Currier Museum Exhibit in conjunction with the NH Art Association was held this year at the Manchester Institute (while waiting for the Currier Museum reopening) and I got the Georgeopoulos  Award for Drawing. Here I am with some of the winners...